Octopuses don’t live on land. As a result, you might never have seen a live one before. You may also never encounter one in the wild as long as you live. The fact that octopuses are not terrestrial animals can contribute to the ignorance many people have about them. How much do you know about octopuses? For example, how many brains does an octopus have? In this post, you will get an answer to this question and many other questions about octopuses.
Do you know how many brains an octopus has?
An octopus has up to 9 brains! Yes, you read that right. That’s not all, this aquatic animal also has three hearts! Additionally, it does not have the normal red blood as we have; an octopus has BLUE BLOOD flowing through its veins!
Stranger than fiction
No matter how big an octopus is, it can squeeze through very tiny holes, without its nine brains or its three hearts getting in the way. First of all, they test the hole with their beak. If the beak fits through the hole successfully, then the rest of the body will fit! Their bodies are 90% muscle. The other 10% is chitin, water, and other substances.

Octopus mating habits
When Octopuses reach sexual maturity, they begin to metabolize their muscles to produce sperm or eggs. Each species of octopus has a complex and sometimes dangerous mating ritual. This involves changing colour and shape, eventually leading to the male mounting or clinging onto the female. Males have a modified arm called a hectocotylus. During mating, the male uses this to deposit spermatophores within the female’s mantle cavity. Females do not fertilize their eggs immediately after mating. Sometimes waiting for several months after mating before fertilization. Females can lay in the region of 100,000 eggs. They will often spend the remainder of their short lives caring for these eggs. Protection and oxygenating them.
Humans may be the most dominant species on the planet. This is mostly a result of our application of technology. Biologically, we’re not as resilient. Especially when compared to octopuses. Such as the ability to regrow lost arms. Also, it’s worth bearing in mind, that they’re cannibals. Mating rituals can be risky business for males. Additionally, all octopuses have venom, the blue-ringed octopus’ venom is the most deadly to humans. Hopefully, aside from learning about how many brains an octopus has, you can see that there is a multitude of fascinating things to know about octopuses.