Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

To ensure their safety during the current bird flu epidemic, our Dalmatian Pelicans have been temporarily moved indoors. We appreciate your understanding as we take necessary precautions to protect their health and well-being.


No trip to Blue Planet Aquarium is complete without a trip outdoors to say hello to our very own resident pelicans. It’s the perfect opportunity to come and see something a little different from our underwater friends, so let’s learn a little more about the exhibit and what you can expect.

What is Pelican Cove?

Pelican Cove is home to our squadron of Dalmatian pelicans. This species have been classified as Near-Threatened, which means they are at risk of future extinction. That’s why we take real pride in our Pelican Cove exhibit, providing a peaceful and safe home for them with hands-on care.

Dalmatian pelicans are stunning animals, and are the largest species of pelican in the world. They can grow up to 1.8m in height and have a wingspan of over 3m when fully grown – not to mention weighing up to 15kg! Dalmatian pelicans are typically found in Eastern Europe, as well as East and Central Asia, and will migrate to warmer climates for breeding. They eat mostly fish, including carp, perch, trout and eels but they have also been known to eat crustaceans, cephalopods, molluscs and amphibians.

What’s it like at this exhibit?

Pelican Cove is our outdoor exhibit that’s home to our very own Dalmatian pelicans. They enjoy the peace and quiet of their outdoor space, providing the perfect way to introduce our visitors to this incredible species. It’s an open-air exhibit, giving the birds the best environment to live. Dalmatian pelicans are often found in typical wetland areas like lakes, rivers and estuaries, and so our Pelican cove exhibit aims to replicate this, with plenty of space and water for the birds to enjoy.

What will I find at Pelican Cove?

Pelican Cove is the exclusive home of our pelicans, so while you won’t find any other species here, we can guarantee that the sight of the birds on their own is a really spectacular view. You can catch our team doing a daily talk and feed here too, giving you the chance to see the Dalmatians pelicans catch and feast on their lunch. It is an outdoor exhibit, so check the weather and bring appropriate clothing!

Who would enjoy this exhibit?

Anyone fascinated by birds or wildlife will love our Pelican Cove exhibit. The striking appearance of our pelicans are an exciting features for kids and adults alike, offering something a little unique amongst all of our sea creatures.


At Blue Planet Aquarium we have done all we can to ensure the aquarium is as accessible as possible, but please get in touch if you have any queries or concerns.

Current Water Temp

N/A /

Water Type

Fresh Water

Climate / Biome

Subtropical Wetlands

In This Exhibit

1 species | 5 animals

Where are we?

Central Eurasia

In This Exhibit

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