The Different Species of Butterflyfish
Here’s everything you need to know about these fun and docile creatures of the deep.
OPEN NOW! 10:00 – 17:00
Here’s everything you need to know about these fun and docile creatures of the deep.
We are proud to announce the arrival of Discus Fish at Blue Planet Aquarium! They are located in our Flooded Forest Exhibit! Immerse yourself in the sounds of the rainforest, our tropical flooded river exhibit mimics the environment found in the Amazon. You’ll come face to fin with Giant Pacu, the often misunderstood Piranha and … Continued
To celebrate the natural treasure that is Lake Malawi, here we’re taking a look at the lake, its species, and what makes it such a unique place for underwater life.
The Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) is a large species of fish that can measure up to 2 metres long. The heaviest individual recorded was an astonishing 210 kilograms! They often migrate across most river systems in Northern Russia. There are also non-migratory populations in Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater lake in the world, located in … Continued
CHROMIS Known for their bright colours, Chromis are one of the less-aggressive species of damselfish. Considered to be playful in their nature. Chromis are a much-anticipated addition to Blue Planet. Providing vibrancy and colour to our underwater world. Only growing to around 4” they tend to form large shoals. Large shoals are a wonderfully enjoyable … Continued
Little Fish – Big pond! It’s an exciting time here at Blue Planet Aquarium! This week we have had the arrival of a very mischievous and beautiful Queen Triggerfish! This guy used to live in a much smaller tank, where he was one of the bigger fish in a small tank, The Krakatoa Exhibit in … Continued
We’re proud to have such a diverse range of wildlife here are Blue Planet Aquarium. From swift sharks and feisty piranhas to slithery snakes, and sneaky spiders!We imagine you’ll already know quite a bit about your favourite creatures. But remember, there’s always more to learn! Including some very strange facts about Blue Planet Aquarium’s inhabitants … Continued
The stonefish is the most venomous of all fish. It can produce venom that’s most lethal to humans; it can hide in its surroundings; it can do a lot of incredible things you may not expect from a fish. Here are five of the most shocking stonefish facts that you want to know should you … Continued
We’ve unveiled our newest feature here at Blue Planet Aquarium thanks to our friends at Neston High School! Check it out here
The largest grouper in the Western Hemisphere, the goliath grouper – scientifically known as Epinephelus itajara – can reach up to 8 feet in length and over 1,000 pounds in weight. This large and solitary fish can have a lifespan of up to 37 years, with its age worked out using annual growth rings in … Continued