OPEN NOW! 10:00 – 17:00

Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 10:00 – 17:00
Sunday: 10:00 – 17:00

Invasive Fish Species: What You Should Know

From barren deserts and dense forests, to oceans and mangroves, invasive species can pop up anywhere. Learning what they are, how they spread, and why they might be harmful to ecosystems can help us understand their impact on our planet. What is an invasive species? A species becomes invasive when it enters another habitat which … Continued

The Impact of Ocean Pollution on Marine Species

In May 2019, the UK Parliament declared a climate emergency, becoming the first national parliament to do this. This comes after decades of industrial pollution being released into the atmosphere and oceans. With an increasingly unpredictable climate as a result of pollution, the frequency of natural disasters is only going to increase if no action … Continued

Understanding the Important Role of Invertebrates

At Blue Planet Aquarium, we appreciate all the wonderful animals on planet Earth. From the teeniest ant to the largest whale, we think that each creature brings something wonderful to the blue planet that we call home. While we’re incredibly fond of our backboned friends, we thought that it was time to show our invertebrate … Continued

National Marine Parks: What Are They?

National parks are a staple of any British staycation, from the Peaks to the Lakes, Snowdonia to Exmoor, they’re indisputably beautiful areas of the country. Our national parks are also hugely important ecosystems for a wide array of plants and animals, great and small. Being designated areas by the government, they are crucial when it … Continued

What is Seagrass and Why Is It Important?

Touted as one of the most important natural solutions to the global fight against climate change, seagrass is more vital than ever before. But what exactly is seagrass? And what role does it have to play in the future of our planet? Here, we’ll take a closer look at seagrass, defining what it is, where … Continued

What is Biodiversity?

The world’s ecosystems are a delicate balance, designed to create a sustainable habitat for the earth’s animals, plants and other organisms. Without these ecosystems, our planet’s species wouldn’t be able to thrive. With that in mind, the world’s biodiversity is an incredibly important element. Here, we’ll explore the meaning of biodiversity, what it means for … Continued

What Are the Rarest Fish in the World?

Either as a result of evolution or through no fault of their own, some fish are considerably rarer than others. Indeed, some species are now so scarce that their numbers are almost down to just three digits, both as a result of natural processes and, sadly, human-influenced habitat loss and decline. The question is, what … Continued

Why are Coral Reefs Bleaching?

There’s no denying it – coral reefs are truly beautiful, but they have a sad story behind them. Coral reefs are an incredibly important part of the ocean and are one of the most diverse habitats in the world, but if we’re not careful, they won’t be around for much longer. Sometimes called the rainforests … Continued

Egg Hunt x Shark Trust!

Beach clean-ups help protect the marine ecosystem by removing the trash that poses a danger to aquatic animals and plants! Thousands of marine animals worldwide have been affected by plastic pollution, including sea turtles, seabirds, and marine mammals. Therefore, Beach clean-ups are vital to mitigate the problem caused by ocean debris and the danger that plastic pollution poses … Continued

Save Coral Reefs: it’s important to biodiversity, society and life as we know it.

Mutualistic relationship of coral and zooxanthellae. Most coral has a mutualistic relationship with special algae called zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae live inside the coral’s tissue. This protects it from predation and provides them with the nutrients they require for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces waste products, such as oxygen, glucose, and amino acids. Coral uses these waste products to … Continued

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