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Dinosaurs of the Sea: Ocean Life in the Prehistoric Era

From sharks as big as buses to carnivorous whales and giant sea-lizards, these enormous predators made pre-historic oceans a truly treacherous, dangerous place to venture in. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the most amazing extinct creatures that once roamed the world’s oceans.

Where to See the Best of Nature in Cheshire

There are many beautiful hotspots around the UK where you can see some of the world’s best wildlife with your very own eyes. Being out exploring nature safely is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and when it comes to Cheshire, we know a thing or two about some of the best areas. With … Continued

5 Reasons to Take a Class Trip to an Aquarium

The ocean makes up most of our planet, and the creatures that dwell in the ocean are enchanting and endlessly fascinating. A school trip to an aquarium can be an incredible way to capture your pupils’ attention and inspire them, all while enhancing the curriculum. There are many benefits to choosing to visit an aquarium … Continued

6 Facts You Should Know About Cichlids

It’s thought there are well over 1,000 different species of cichlid, making them an incredibly diverse family of fish. In fact, this makes cichlids one of the largest vertebrate families. So, with that in mind, these fascinating and varied creatures are certainly worth learning more about. Here are some of the top facts to help … Continued

Turtles vs Tortoises: How to Tell the Difference

Throughout the animal kingdom, there are various creatures that look alike but are entirely different species, such as hares and rabbits, seals and sea lions, and the subjects of this blog, turtles and tortoises. While they are both reptiles with decades-long lifespans, they have some distinct differences that set them apart. In this blog, we’ll … Continued

5 Things to Do in Cheshire Over Winter

While they may be cold, the winter months offer so much in the way of natural beauty and things to do. Here at Blue Planet Aquarium we’re only a stone’s throw from the heart of Cheshire. Home to wonderful woodlands and bustling towns and cities. So, if you’re looking for somewhere to visit over the … Continued

Is a Gecko a Lizard?

Reptiles are a fascinating group of animals, with a plethora of species that leave us awestruck. Among these, geckos stand out as a group that are some of the most intriguing and standout among other lizards. Are geckos a type of lizard, or do they possess unique characteristics that set them apart? In this blog, … Continued

Tarantula Anatomy: Learn all about the furry friends’ bodies!

To some, tarantulas are scary, creepy crawlies who should be kept away from, but for others, tarantulas are furry little creatures that are actually very interesting. In this blog, we’ll learn all about the tarantula anatomy and what makes them so fascinating, not to mention why you shouldn’t be so scared of them! There are … Continued

Which Creatures Hibernate?

Hibernation is a term taken from the animal kingdom that most people will have heard of but that few will know much about. In fact, aside from bears and other big-name hibernators (like the humble hedgehog, perhaps), we’re guessing that most people would struggle to name another animal that takes it easy all winter long. … Continued

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