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Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
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Earth Day: 48 Days of Blue

Did you know that more than 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, and that the ocean is almost 4 billion years old? It’s an impressive attribute, sure – but it’s also responsible for controlling our climate and supporting our continued survival on this planet. In fact, the ocean is what sets us apart from every other planet in our solar system.

As we celebrate Earth Day, we’d like to take a moment to remind you that we’re gearing up for this year’s #48DaysofBlue challenge in the days leading up to World Oceans Day (June 8).

What Is #48DaysofBlue?

The ‘48 Days of Blue’ campaign is an environmental movement that was started by the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) to promote a cleaner and healthier ocean through making small challenges.

Despite its name being 48 Days of Blue, the initiative is very ‘green’. For the 48 days between Earth Day and World Oceans Day, we’re challenging all our visitors to make small changes that will positively impact the environment, such as using fewer plastic products, bringing your own bag when shopping, and buying palm oil-free foods, and so on.

For more suggestions on how you can help preserve our oceans, take a look at our tips on how to preserve wildlife. By applying these small changes to our daily routines, we can (together) improve our communities, work towards a cleaner environment, and help protect the ocean for future generations.

What Is the Objective?

The aim of the #48DaysofBlue challenge is to raise awareness of the importance of a cleaner ocean, to educate the masses on how big a part this plays in the overall health of our planet, and to encourage action. So join us in giving back to our beautiful blue planet!

What Should You Do?

While the challenges may seem difficult, our collective impact will be equal whether you live down the road in Chester or in the coastal city of Chiclayo, Peru.

If you’re up for the #48DaysofBlue challenge, make sure you use the hashtag on social media to show us what changes you’re making – and try to get your friends on board to help turn the tide.

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